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Yoga: An Introduction for Beginners

Yoga is a sport that has been trending recently in Singapore , but it has already been very well known in America for quite a long time. For many, Yoga is just someone who does meditation and relaxation. While it is true , but Yoga is also an exercise that strengthens the body/mind and corrects the posture of oneself.

WHAT is Yoga?

Source: Piktochart

A Hindu spiritual and ascetic discipline, a part of which, including breath control, simple meditation and the adoption of specific bodily postures. It is widely practised for health and relaxation.

Here are the different types of yoga:


The basics in these slower moving classes type of yoga that require[s] you to hold each pose for a few breaths.


Get your flow on in this dynamic practice that links movement and breath together in a dance-like way [I like how you describe it as "dance-like" way!].

Ashtanga. Consisting of six series of specifically sequenced yoga poses, Ashtanga allows you to flow and breathe through each pose to build internal heat. [The unedited version is called a dangling modifier -- tell me if you need me to elaborate]


This type of yoga consists of a specific series of 26 poses and two breathing exercises practiced in a room heated to approximately 105 degrees and 40 percent humidity.

Hot yoga

Hot yoga is similar to Bikram in that it’s practiced in a heated room. But The teachers *, however , aren’t constrained by the 26-pose Bikram sequence.

Yin. This type of yoga calms and balances your body and mind , ; this is where you’ll find your " zen " .

Restorative. The mellow, slow-moving practice with longer holds gives your body a chance tap into your parasympathetic [what is this? Perhaps opt for a simpler word] nervous system, allowing you to experience deeper relaxation.

WHY should we do Yoga?

Source: Syaza Sophie

Yoga offers self-reflection. The practice of kindness and self-compassion, and continued growth and self-awareness. The best part about Yoga is that its health benefits are real. Yoga can increase your flexibility, improve your balance, and decrease your cholesterol. [These are all strong claims. If these are true, it's better to show how it does so. Show not tell!]

It also strengthens your body and mind. Doing Yoga helps you reflect on yourself. Do you love your body? Are you treating your body right? It helps you get in touch with your body and you grow from learning about what is inside and outside of you.

Join the Yogi club and stay healthy and fit!

Be mindful , Be thoughtful.

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