A Glimpse of Christmas From All Around The World
The year is about to end and its the most wonderful time of the year. With enchanting Christmas trees, dreamy decorations, massive feasts and Santa’s gifts, Christmas unites people from all around the world into infinite celebration. Every country has its own style of celebrating Christmas, but the motive remains the same, to commemorate the birth of Jesus Christ.
Its quite common to associate Christmas with winter and snow, in Australia however, Christmas marks the beginning of summer! Australians hang wreaths on their front doors and tend to go participate in Christmas carol singing on Christmas eve. Not only do they visit their friends and neighbours during Christmas but also engage in decorating their houses with trees and alluring festive lights. Fireworks at local parks serve as a great end to a beautiful day.
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Source : Google Images
China is one of the largest producers of plastic Christmas trees and decorations, but only about one percent of the population celebrate Christmas. However, a custom of giving apples on Christmas eve has come out to be popular. Apples wrapped in coloured paper are available for sale and are exchanged between friends and family to observe Christmas as a peaceful evening.
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Source : Google Images
India is country of festivals. Even though Christmas contributes to a small portion of celebration, Indians make sure to celebrate Christmas at its best. Churches in India are decorated with Poinsettia flowers and candles and Catholic families engage in a midnight mass service followed by enormous feasts and presents. In Southern India, oil burning clay lamps can be spotted on the flat roofs of people’s home to convey that Jesus is the light of the world. Traditional feasts comprising roast chicken or turkey is quite popular among the Catholics in Goa.
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Source : Google Images
In the USA, Christians often go to church on Christmas eve to honour the birth of Jesus. Americans love decorating their houses with ravishing lights and stupendous Christmas trees. They send out cards to their families and friends to wish them a joyous Christmas. The belief in Santa Claus is highly popular among the children and receiving gifts they wish for makes it even more special. Some cookies and a glass of milk are also left out as a snack for Santa!
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Source : Google Images
In contrast to Christmas being a big celebration elsewhere around the world, Russians do not observe Christmas as one their major festival. Christmas in Russia is normally celebrated on 7th January since the Russian Orthodox Church uses the old ‘Julian’ calendar for religious celebration days. They seem to emphasise more on New Year, which calls for a grand observance throughout Russia. Some people tend to fast on Christmas eve until the first star has appeared in the sky and then eat 'sochivo' or 'kutia', a porridge made from wheat or rice served with honey, poppy seeds, fruits, chopped walnuts or sometimes even fruit jellies!
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Source : Google Images
We often thought Christmas was one festival celebrated in the same fashion everywhere around the world, but turns out that every country has its own personalised celebration. Nevertheless, it brings similar kind of joy and exuberance to everyone!
Merry Christmas!